
White Papers

Technology Modernisation for Internal Investigations: Clarion Call for Innovation and Improvement

The landscape of internal investigations has changed dramatically in recent years. This has been driven by factors including increased regulatory and legal pressures, unforeseen government intervention and growth in the scale of information requests. As a result, large organisations today are inundated with an increasing volume of whistleblower claims, allegations of misconduct, customer complaints and claims, suspicious activity reports, freedom of information requests, data subject access requests (DSARs), subpoenas, etc. While each request differs in substance, they all share the requirement to collect information, review and investigate, collaborate on findings, and report.

Understanding Digital Assets in the Middle East

The Middle East is rapidly becoming a region that is friendly towards cryptocurrency and digital assets businesses. Several initiatives focused on infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, goals, and hubs for businesses interested in blockchain and digital assets ecosystem have been established across the region. These initiatives aim to ensure consumer protection, collaborative governance, and alignment with current financial ecosystem guidance and frameworks.

In Contract Management, Standards Lag Behind Investment

This report explores a framework for CLM - a Digital Contracting Reference Model (DCRM) - and provides a common language framework for practitioners, technology vendors and legal service providers to align on and follow, allowing best practices to develop across disciplines.

Navigating Cloud-First Digital Forensics Across Asia Pacific Disputes and Discovery

Cloud data sources and the prevalence of messaging applications used within the workplace have spurred a new cycle of disruption in digital forensics, investigations and information governance. Overall user numbers for cloud-based platforms, and the variety of applications tapped for business purposes, will only continue to grow, especially as tech giants innovate with artificial intelligence and release new collaborative interfaces. The upshot is that counsel will grapple with how to uphold accepted principles for forensic defensibility, electronic evidence collection, data preservation and information governance across vast, complex, rapidly changing populations of data.

The General Counsel Report 2024: General Counsel Indicate Tipping Points in Strategy, Technology Adoption and Operations

Digital risk has triggered a fundamental shift in the corporate legal department. Against a tremulous cultural, economic and geopolitical backdrop, numerous issues have cascaded into tipping points across the legal function. Data-centered regulatory activity, privacy requirements, generative artificial intelligence disruption, technology advancement and an expansive web of emerging data sources are now impacting the way legal departments prioritize resources. In addition to placing tremendous demand on in-house counsel, this environment has led to a decline in the general counsel’s feelings of preparedness for every major risk category.

How Compliance and Risk Officers Can Balance the Benefits and Risks of AI in Compliance

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries and the way we interpret data, with generative AI leading as a groundbreaking subfield. Generative AI offers immense potential for streamlining numerous compliance functions and operations. However, these advances also come with significant compliance challenges and digital risks. Without diligent oversight, poor application of generative AI technologies can open organizations up to significant corporate compliance, regulatory, litigation, and reputational risks. This white paper explores the role generative AI may play in reshaping organizational approaches to risk and compliance. It will discuss ways corporate compliance officers can proactively mitigate risks and enable an approach of informed and vigilant adoption.

Forecasting Digital Risk in 2024

After a feverish period of disruption across many facets of technology, it’s becoming more difficult to delineate between what could happen and what will happen in the months and year ahead. Business leaders often rely upon industry forecasts to prepare for anticipated change that is likely to impact their operations, go-to-market strategies, hiring plans, etc. Yet in a hype-filled environment in which it seems like anything is possible, organizations must be highly discerning about how they prepare for evolving digital risk and establish resilience for future technological disruption.

Digital Transformation: Leveraging Technology to Improve Legal Outcomes

Organizational change is never easy, but for corporate legal teams tasked with simultaneously mitigating risk and enabling business growth — all within the boundaries of the law — the struggle can be very real, especially amid expectations to rapidly adopt and align emerging technologies. While it would be difficult today to find an in-house legal team that isn’t using some kind of tech solution to create and drive efficiencies, automate repetitive tasks, and improve workflows, comprehensive digital transformation is still considered a work in progress for many organizations.

UAE Financial Crime and Investigations Pulse Check

A recent announcement from the United Arab Emirates attorney general confirmed the government is moving forward with plans to establish special prosecution entities for financial crimes. This step is a continuation and escalation of the UAE’s efforts to increase investigations and prosecutions into abuse of the financial sector and other ancillary channels of illicit flows. It also aligns to the government’s “Forward Economy” and “Forward Ecosystem” strategies to advance as a global leader in economic and judicial strength.

The ABC (D and E) of Technology for Effective Investigations

Investigations today often involve millions of documents and records originating from tens or hundreds of disparate data sources. In complex, high-stakes investigations, manual processes and reluctance to leverage advanced tools to find key information from within large, diverse data sets are causing excessive time, cost and complexity in bringing matters to a swift and defensible conclusion. The use of technology has become essential in responding to modern investigations and catching problems as they arise. However, advanced tools must be applied in a standardised, documented and defensible manner in order for findings to stand up to scrutiny among regulatory authorities and the courts.

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