Case Study

FTI Technology Supports Law Firm Cloud Data Migration to RelativityOne

When organizations need to migrate to a new e-discovery platform due to changes in industry, consolidation of software providers, costs and various data and volume requirements, moving large, complex data volumes can introduce numerous challenges. Without adequate technical support, the process can become burdensome, error prone, time intensive and costly. In this engagement, a law firm approached FTI Technology to support effective movement of its e-discovery matters and related data from an on-premise environment to the RelativityOne cloud.

Our Role

As a certified top-level technology partner and data migration partner to Relativity, FTI Technology routinely assists law firms and corporations with migrating matters from internally managed environment to RelativityOne or other preferred platforms. FTI Technology provided the client with a detailed, expert-led migration plan and achievable timeline, with close attention to risks and the need for flexibility according to the client’s changing priorities. The FTI Technology team worked closely with the law firm’s IT department, litigation support team and team leads for the active and impacted cases.

During the planning phase, FTI Technology also developed an inventory of workspaces to thoroughly and efficiently track what information would be migrated. This included definition of requirements for the unique data needs, options for different elements that could or could not be carried over and management of limitations that could affect outcomes. Specifically, the team provided custom mapping for unique fields and workflows to ensure multimedia such as images and emerging data types could be successfully migrated on time.

All data was securely transferred electronically and on a rolling basis.

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