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Q&A: A Glimpse at Digital Risk Management in Switzerland


Sacha, FTI Technology’s expansion into Switzerland was a notable milestone in our strategic vision and ability to meet evolving client needs. Can you explain some of those needs and why our team is uniquely positioned to address them?

When I speak with clients, several topics come up repeatedly. First is an ongoing and persistent uncertainty about the economy and market development. Every company is concerned at some level, and that uncertainty increasingly impacts how leaders view and approach their risks. At the same time, data volumes are constantly growing, and many organisations need help managing that.

A specific example of how these issues overlap is in the context of regulatory investigations. Organisations are bracing for increased enforcement activity and, are worried about their ability to respond to requests or inquiries quickly and effectively. Environmental, social and governance is another example. Requirements are changing rapidly, and company valuations are becoming increasingly connected to ESG performance and reporting functions are increasingly complex.

We have a depth and breadth of experience across FTI Consulting, in the DACH region, across Europe and globally to help clients address these and many other issues. Our teams can bring services, experience and innovative solutions to solve unprecedented problems, especially those relating to digital risk. In Switzerland, we’re establishing our team as the first point of contact for law firms and corporate legal teams to come to when they need end-to-end technology-enabled processes for detecting, preventing and responding to digital risks.

What’s an example of how these issues come to life in the real world?

In one recent matter, we were asked to evaluate voice recordings for a client in financial services that had to demonstrate to a regulator the completeness of its recordings for conversations in the trading department across several years and multiple systems. Responding to such an inquiry required an in-depth examination of the phone systems’ functionality, recording files and archiving procedures within the organisation. Such an analysis is highly complex and requires sophisticated technology alongside guidance from experts who know where to look, what to look for and the potential gotchas in such an investigation. 

Can you share any predictions for where these issues are headed in the coming year?

Management of data will continue as the main challenge. Connected to this is the development of artificial intelligence suitable for everyday use, such as ChatGPT, which will help solve challenges and create new ones. Legal and ethical questions regarding data protection, intellectual property rights, ethics and many other issues will accompany the fascination with the technical application possibilities.

As our global teams and capabilities grow, talent development and strong leadership are critical pillars. Is there anything you’d like to share about your approach to leadership and growing teams?

At some point in my career, I realised that I can’t always know everything best, which has helped me. Especially in education, a lot of emphasis is placed on individual knowledge and less on collective intelligence. It took a few years in the profession before I recognized that. With this awareness, one of the effects now is that I pay more attention to the people around me. I listen more attentively when someone from the team speaks and in conversations with clients. Listening intently is one of the most important aspects of my approach as a supervisor and consultant. 

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