Digital Risk
Digital Risk is ubiquitous and continuous, which is exactly how it needs to be managed.
Forward-thinking organizations have gone beyond viewing digital risk in terms of isolated events. Effective management of digital risk needs to shift from episodic to systematic approaches. FTI Technology helps organizations master digital risk, first by providing the insights needed to fully comprehend those risks and then by supporting our clients in their efforts to manage them systematically.
We help our clients organize digital risk management in four distinct phases of action. At each step, our approach synthesizes our deep expertise in insight, policy, technology, process and remediation. The combination of these skills helps our clients navigate pitfalls and take decisive, effective action to protect the enterprise.
The fundamental policies, technologies and data-driven processes that give your organization a strong foundation in digital risk management.
Organizations need to continually optimize their ongoing operational approach to risk management, to keep up with changes in their regulatory, technology and data operating environments.
Monitoring for, and reacting quickly to, potentially harmful events can make the difference between a threat and a crisis. Detection, situational awareness and the ability to move quickly and decisively are critical in heading off potential threats.
Sometimes events take on a seriousness and urgency that requires extraordinary action. Sometimes, organizations are obliged to respond to unfamiliar or threatening events and matters in real time. At moments like these, second-guessing is not an option: the optimal solution must be found and implemented quickly and decisively.