FTI Technology’s Cryptocurrency Experts Provide In-Depth Audit of Digital Assets, Business Model and Infrastructure in Support of Due Diligence Activities

Our Role

FTI Technology’s Cryptocurrency experts provided our client with a detailed and verified technical audit of the target company’s cryptocurrency AUC, technology roadmap, infrastructure, business models and privacy and security practices.

Through a unique understanding and approach to acquisition due diligence, our experts were able to quickly deliver technical, data security and operational assessments while developing an expedited path to financial due diligence based on our deep understanding of how cryptocurrency businesses monetize.

With in-depth knowledge of wallets, behavior of cryptocurrency exchanges and the operational hurdles unique to the world of blockchain, our experts were able to design and execute a unique strategy to confirm ownership and prove validity of AUC.

In addition to supporting the client with verifying cryptocurrency assets and infrastructure, FTI Technology’s technical assessment included a close look at data privacy and security including risk areas that could implicate the transaction. Through a detailed risk evaluation, the team helped the client identify and mitigate all potential risks in the acquisition and provided guidance for remedial actions throughout the due diligence process.