When the cryptocurrency markets declined suddenly, a cryptocurrency platform providing mobile app-based brokerage, custody and lending services faced serious hardship. The company engaged FTI Consulting’s experts in corporate restructuring and cryptocurrency and digital assets to provide in-depth technical due diligence and strategic recovery advice.

Our Role FTI Consulting’s Corporate Finance segment and experts from within the Technology segment’s Blockchain & Digital Assets practice were engaged to provide critical advisory and technical due diligence work. The team provided support including:
  • Analysis and insight into the validity of the company’s processes, and strategic options regarding their positions and practices.
  • Technical due diligence through digital asset tracing, industry insight and expertise to determine the plausibility and merits of organizations making bids for the company and/or its assets.
  • Evaluation and feedback on the client’s standalone restructuring plan, their staking plans while in bankruptcy and a sale process for potential buyers of the company or its assets.
  • Technical due diligence of wallet security, protocols, processes, counterparty risks and the validity of processes for borrowing, lending and staking digital assets.
  • Technical examination of the potential buyers of the company or its assets.