When a Second Request investigation was initiated as part of a large and high-profile technology industry acquisition, the companies were required to produce more than 8TB of data across a wide range of digital sources. Many of these were emerging data sources for which compliance and e-discovery controls and workflows had not yet been developed. As a long-time trusted advisor to the law firm representing the client, FTI Technology was engaged to handle e-discovery for the matter and create solutions to ensure relevant documents could be identified, collected, processed, reviewed and produced from the emerging data sources in scope.

Our Role

Experts from across FTI Technology’s E-Discovery Consulting & Services and Digital Forensics & Investigations practices in the U.S. and EMEA assembled a plan to address the numerous technical and logistical challenges within the client’s environments quickly and efficiently, so the client could meet the tight timelines required in the Second Request. The team delivered the following:
  • Reconstruction of proprietary platforms to enable access to information and attachments within them and functionality to export documents for review. This included identifying gaps in the chronology of conversation threads and missing replies to recover omitted information and ensure a complete and defensible collection.
  • Developed a bespoke process to reduce data volumes by excluding certain custodians based on permissions. By limiting the collection to exclude custodians who had viewer only permissions and focus on those who had author/ collaborator access, the team was able to significantly reduce the volume of documents collected and reviewed.
  • Utilizing a multi-custodian search and export approach which was segmented on date as opposed to traditional custodian-based collation, allowed a deduplicated set of information to be lifted once for the whole custodian population in manageable chunks.
  • Testing to optimize collection, enable concurrent workflows and reduce overlap when dealing with live systems that had slow data throughput and were continually changing.
  • Experience with rebuilding document folder structures where this information was not maintained during e-discovery export saved time and money and ensured that the production remained compliant with the regulator’s specifications.
  • Undertaking an extensive relinking exercise for linked content (Modern Attachments) to reconstitute the many-to-one family associations between independently collected data artifacts. Using reference markers in the communications, the team rebuilt family associations and connected communications to the corresponding file(s) in a defensible manner.
  • Proactive project management and solution development to reduce the impact of delays and meet critical project deadlines.