
Leading the Way with Information Governance

By the end of May 2018, the landscape of how organisations manage information about clients will be completely transformed by some of the world’s toughest new legislation.

The Payment Services Directive (PSD2), the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Network and Information Systems Directive will come into force in 2018, impacting companies globally. These regulations appear to be unconnected yet together they will radically change the way businesses collect, store, process and share data.

In this short video, FTI Consulting’s European Information Governance Leader Sonia Cheng talks about how organisations can make the most of an information governance programme, while also sharing tips on how to get the funding and necessary board level attention for this.

The message is clear: don’t fear the new regulations, find a way to make the most of them.

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